Jay Park, pH-1, Sik-K, BIG Naughty, TRADE L, HAON, Woodie Gochild – How We Rock

In preparation for the release of the H1GHR MUSIC’s Red Tape on September 2nd, the global label has released another track ‘How We Rock’ comprising of the best and brightest rappers on the label as a follow up to last week’s release of their cypher ‘도착’.

Whilst this song has a similar basis in terms of lyrical content and prowess to ‘도착’, with each rapper spitting bars about H1GHR MUSIC’s success, the overall vibe of the track is completely different. ‘도착’ focused on spitting lyrics harder and faster and showing the listener what each individual artist’s range is, whilst ‘How We Rock’ places more importance on the musicality in the delivery of the raps, the smart lyric composition and the cohesion of the collective when each individual is brought together.

Jay Park opens the track with a memorable melodic chorus, drawing the listener immediately into the trap beat and seamlessly transitioning into his rap, which retains his familiar sound and pattern of delivery. He passes this off to pH-1 who, naturally plays with the rhythm, switching up the syncopation, and cleverly paints a picture with his lyrics. Sik-K comes next, delivering his rap straight with a no nonsense approach, focusing on emphasising that trademark Sik-K sound. This is where things start to get a little interesting, because whilst the older members of this collective are some of my favourite musicians on the Korean scene, I was blown away by the younger members in this piece.

I don’t think it’s easy to follow an artist with a distinctive sound like Sik-K but BIG Naughty doesn’t miss a beat in the transition between their parts, weaving his own relaxed sound through his lyrics. TRADE L follows, and he has blown me away again! His ability to effortlessly spit bars with such confidence and rhythmic skill at the young age of 16 just fills me with excitement about his future – I have a feeling he is going to hit big. HAON brings his own take on the beat, carving levels through the music by utilising the offbeat. HAON’s ability to make his rap more dynamic never fails to impress me. Finally, before the final chorus from Jay, we have a section from Woodie Gochild. Leaving Gochild until last is an absolute stroke of pure genius. In other tracks, Gochild’s autotuned sound arrives right in the middle of the tune, sandwiched in the middle of the other parts, meanwhile in this track he almost rounds everyone off. Listening to 6 rappers with deeper tones precede him, arriving at Gochild’s higher toned ‘B**ch I’m papi’ feels unbelievably refreshing.

I really enjoyed watching this video especially since there were concert videos peppered throughout – at least one (maybe two) of which I could identify as having attended myself – so I was on a huge nostalgia trip for an era when going to concerts was a part of my life.

I’m really excited about everything that H1GHR MUSIC are putting out for this comp[ilation album and I’m waiting on tenterhooks for the next release – I hope to hear an injection of Golden’s unrivalled vocals in one of the next tracks!

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.
Other RED TAPE posts:

Jay Park, pH-1, BIG Naughty, Woodie Gochild, HAON, TRADE L, Sik-K – The Purge

The day has finally come, H1GHR MUSIC’s ‘Red Tape’ is out. This compilation album is the first half of a two part series, and is a collection of 14 tracks carefully crafted by many of the H1GHR MUSIC artists. The second part, ‘Blue Tape’ is scheduled for release on 16th September. Compared to the previous…

Sik-K, pH-1, Woodie Gochild, HAON, TRADE L, Jay Park – 도착 (Cypher)

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