K-Music Recap: April 26 – May 2, 2021

Let’s talk about how it’s already May – we’re already one month into Q2 and I feel like the month just raced past like it meant nothing, but April blessed us with so many fantastic releases (but also some odd ones), and the end of the month held some highly anticipated comebacks (like ITZY forContinue reading “K-Music Recap: April 26 – May 2, 2021”

My Top KPop Songs of 2020: #50-36

The next instalment in my personal top KPop songs of the past year is finally here and will look at the next 15 tracks on my list, counting down from 50 to 36. As mentioned in the previous post, I have based my decision on title tracks only (I will indicate if there is aContinue reading “My Top KPop Songs of 2020: #50-36”

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