K-Music Recap: July 26 – August 1, 2021

July is over, and just as the month was closing up we were gifted a bunch of fantastic and highly anticipated releases to uplift the July sound altogether. It has been a pretty chilled seventh month, but sweet summer sounds seem to be a big thing. Let’s take a quick look! Disclaimer: I haven’t beenContinue reading “K-Music Recap: July 26 – August 1, 2021”

K-Music Recap: June 21 – 27, 2021

Last week seemed quiet, but let me tell you…. it was not. Lots of smaller groups and artists made their comebacks over the week making last week as jam-packed as those with major releases. There were a fair few star releases from last week, namely A.C.E, sEODo Band and Sam Kim, carrying me safely throughContinue reading “K-Music Recap: June 21 – 27, 2021”

New Music Picks: November 2020

As ever, I am unable to do a separate post about every single song that comes out each month (and often I don’t know enough about the artist to properly speak to their abilities, past activities or repertoire yet), so here is a collection of some of my favourite finds from this month. I actuallyContinue reading “New Music Picks: November 2020”

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