Young K (DAY6) – Guard You (끝까지 안아 줄게)

DAY6 bassist and vocalist, epic songwriter, and all-round great guy Young K has made his anticipated official solo debut with album ‘Eternal’, of which the title track is ‘Guard You’ – the Korean title translates to mean ‘I will hug you until the end’. With full member DAY6 being marred earlier this year by theContinue reading “Young K (DAY6) – Guard You (끝까지 안아 줄게)”

K-Music Recap: July 26 – August 1, 2021

July is over, and just as the month was closing up we were gifted a bunch of fantastic and highly anticipated releases to uplift the July sound altogether. It has been a pretty chilled seventh month, but sweet summer sounds seem to be a big thing. Let’s take a quick look! Disclaimer: I haven’t beenContinue reading “K-Music Recap: July 26 – August 1, 2021”

K-Music Recap: July 19 – 25, 2021

How is it already the end of July? Last week was another quiet week for music, but on a personal note I was kind of glad because it was my birthday and I got sick at the same time (lol… what timing) – but some of my favourites gave me birthday gifts so I can’tContinue reading “K-Music Recap: July 19 – 25, 2021”

K-Music Recap: July 12 – 18, 2021

What a quiet week it has been – though that has allowed us to properly digest some of the music from the past few months I guess. Some subtle summer sounds released over the past week – almost matches the fatigue that I’m feeling due to the heat. Let’s take a quick (genuinely, very quick)Continue reading “K-Music Recap: July 12 – 18, 2021”

K-Music Recap: July 5 – 11, 2021

Last week was weird – a lot of single releases and not quite as many full comebacks, but there was some interesting new stuff floating around. Let’s see what gripped me last week (TL;DR: it was mostly the indie stuff). Disclaimer: I haven’t been able to write about every single release, but I do tryContinue reading “K-Music Recap: July 5 – 11, 2021”

The 2021 Mid-Year Music Review

I wasn’t going to post this because I was having a bit of a moment where I couldn’t even consider beginning to rank this years’ songs so far (how will I get my SOTY list???) but I’ve decided to go for a low pressure, non-committal format to this little review. Let’s take a look atContinue reading “The 2021 Mid-Year Music Review”

New Music Picks – June 2021

Okay a week after the month’s end – I’m here to bring you my wrap up of new music for the month. I was a little more discerning through June so there were far fewer releases to filter through, but I still had to whittle the list down from 40 songs. I think I actuallyContinue reading “New Music Picks – June 2021”

K-Music Recap: June 28 – July 4, 2021

Why did the entire world decide to have their comeback last week? I love all comebacks but we went from a quiet-ish week to a HECTIC week…. and when you have the god’s 2PM spearheading the week, it’s extremely difficult to stay focused (I spent the entire week from Monday to today only watching 2PMContinue reading “K-Music Recap: June 28 – July 4, 2021”

K-Music Recap: June 21 – 27, 2021

Last week seemed quiet, but let me tell you…. it was not. Lots of smaller groups and artists made their comebacks over the week making last week as jam-packed as those with major releases. There were a fair few star releases from last week, namely A.C.E, sEODo Band and Sam Kim, carrying me safely throughContinue reading “K-Music Recap: June 21 – 27, 2021”

K-Music Recap: June 14 – 20, 2021

Last week is the week that idol bands seemed to rule the roost – June is shaping up to be a big month for our pop-rockers and long may it continue. Summer sounds are here to stay, hoping it brings the sunshine where you are! Let’s take a look. Disclaimer: I haven’t been able toContinue reading “K-Music Recap: June 14 – 20, 2021”

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